

Today, let’s tackle a simple yet often overlooked task that can make a world of difference – changing your furnace filter. Trust me; your hvac system will thank you for it!

The Forgotten Hero: Your Furnace Filter

Ever wondered why your home feels a bit stuffy or why your allergies seem to act up indoors? It’s probably the furnace filter. This seemingly small component plays a pivotal role in maintaining air quality and keeping your hvac system operating properly.

Why is it So Important, Anyway?

Your furnace filter protects your home from dust, pollen, and pet dander. As air circulates through your heating system, the filter traps these unwanted particles, preventing them from settling on your furniture and floating around in the air you breathe.

Benefits of Regular Filter Changes:

  1. Improved Air Quality: Say goodbye to sneezing fits and that perpetual feeling of “I need to air out the house.” A fresh filter means cleaner air circulating through your home.
  2. Energy Efficiency: A clogged filter forces your furnace to work harder, guzzling up more energy. Swap it out regularly, and you’ll notice a friendlier note on your energy bill.
  3. Extended System Lifespan: Just like a car needs regular oil changes, your furnace needs a clean filter to operate smoothly. Regular maintenance means a longer life for your heating system.
Comparison of a dirty furnace filter to a clean furnace filter by a One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning Technician.

Dirt is the #1 cause of hvac breakdowns. The more dirt that is getting into your hvac system due to a dirty filter, the more problems you will have with your furnace or air conditioner not working properly.

How Often Should You Change It?

How do you know when it’s time to swap out your filter? It depends on a few factors:

  1. Filter Type: Different filters have different lifespans. Check the packaging or your HVAC system’s manual for guidance.
  2. Allergies and Pets: If you have allergies or furry friends, consider changing the filter more frequently. They tend to kick up more dust and dander.
  3. Seasonal Considerations: During heavy-use seasons (hello, winter!), check your filter monthly to ensure optimal performance.

Changing Your Filter in 4 Easy Steps

  1. Locate Your Filter: It’s usually near the blower or air handler. If unsure, consult your HVAC system’s manual.
  2. Turn Off Your Furnace: Safety first! Switch off your furnace before attempting any filter changes.
  3. Remove the Old Filter: Slide it out carefully. Note the direction of the airflow arrows on the filter; the new one goes in the same way.
  4. Insert the New Filter:
Which direction does the furnace filter go?  Point the arrow toward the furnace.

Which direction does the filter go?
There is a right way to change your furnace air filter.
There is typically an arrow on the filter.
Point the arrow toward the furnace.

Everyone’s filter is in a different location, but there is an airflow direction on the filter and you always point that arrow toward the furnace.

Changing your furnace filter is a small effort with big rewards. It’s like giving your home a breath of fresh air – literally. So, embrace the role of the home superhero and make regular filter changes part of your routine. Your lungs and your furnace will thank you for it!*

Here’s to a home that breathes easy and a furnace that hums with happiness!



Does your furnace have to be off when you are changing your air filter?

Yes, it is best to turn your furnace off. There are a couple of reasons for that.

1. Your filter is already dirty. When you go to change your filter you are moving it around and disrupting dirt and dust. If your furnace blower is on, it will pull all that dirt and dust that was dislodged into your HVAC system. (Which is the whole point of having a filter…to stop that from happening.)

2. If you try to change your filter with the unit on, there is air pressure that makes the process more difficult. There’s actually a suction being pulled into the blower compartment so as you pull your filter out, it has an extra pressure on it. The filter may not want to slide out quite as easily or it may begin to hang up. With the furnace turned off, the filter is much freer to pull and move around.


1. Turn off the power switch to the furnace.

2. Change the filter

3. Make sure you turn the power switch back on.

Click here to see how to power off your furnace.

Make sure your furnace is turned back on. If you forget to turn the system back on it may take most of the day to figure out that there is a problem and your HVAC has not been running. We’ve had many calls from people who think that their furnace or air conditioner is not working where after a little questioning, we discover that they changed their filter earlier in the day and they did not turn the unit back on.


which way does furnace filter go

Which direction does the filter go? There is a right way to change your furnace air filter.

There is typically an arrow on the filter.

Point the arrow toward the furnace.

Everyone’s filter is in a different location, but there is an airflow direction on the filter and you always point that arrow toward the furnace.

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