
Why Does An Air Conditioner Need A Hard Start Kit?

HVAC Tech with One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning in Olathe showing the results after installing a hard start kit.

An air conditioner might need a hard start kit for several reasons, primarily related to ensuring reliable startup and improving the efficiency and longevity of the system. Here are the main reasons why a hard start kit might be necessary:

HVAC Tech with One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning in Olathe showing the results after installing a hard start kit.

Reduced Strain on the Compressor:

Reducing strain on the AC compressor is essential for maintaining the efficiency, reliability, and longevity of the air conditioning system. By ensuring smoother startups and minimizing mechanical and electrical stress, you can achieve better performance, lower energy consumption, and reduced maintenance costs. This not only enhances the comfort provided by the air conditioning system but also ensures economic and operational benefits over the system’s lifespan.

Preventing Compressor Failure:

Frequent hard starts can lead to premature compressor failure. A hard start kit can prolong the life of the compressor by minimizing the stress during startup.

Compressor failure is a serious issue for an air conditioning system, leading to loss of cooling, increased energy costs, potential damage to other components, and significant repair or replacement expenses. It can also cause discomfort and inconvenience for the occupants of the space. Regular maintenance, early detection of issues, and timely intervention can help prevent compressor failure and ensure the longevity and efficiency of the AC system.

Improving Energy Efficiency:

Hard starts are less efficient and consume more electricity. By facilitating a smoother start, a hard start kit can reduce energy consumption and improve the overall efficiency of the air conditioning unit.

Addressing Low Voltage Issues:

In areas with low voltage supply or where voltage drops are common, the compressor may struggle to start properly. A hard start kit can help ensure reliable startup even under less-than-ideal electrical conditions.

Enhancing System Performance:

With easier starts, the entire air conditioning system can operate more smoothly and reliably.

Enhancing the performance of an HVAC system provides numerous benefits, including improved comfort, increased energy efficiency, reduced environmental impact, greater reliability, and economic savings. These improvements lead to a more comfortable and cost-effective living or working environment, making it a worthwhile investment for both residential and commercial properties.

Reducing Noise:

Hard starts can cause the compressor to make loud, jarring noises. A hard start kit can help reduce this noise, leading to quieter operation.

Prolonging the Life of Electrical Components:

The high current draw during a hard start can stress other electrical components in the system. By reducing this current draw, a hard start kit can help protect and extend the life of these components.

    A hard start kit can be beneficial for improving the startup process of an air conditioner, enhancing efficiency, reducing wear and tear on the compressor, and ensuring reliable operation, especially in challenging electrical conditions.

    Micropower Guard Electronic Air Cleaners vs. Traditional HVAC Filters

    According to our technicians, one of the HVAC accessories they can’t live without in their own homes is a MicroPower Guard Air Cleaner.

    Many people don’t know what a MicroPower Guard is or how it’s different from a regular filter.

    What is a MicroPower Guard Air Cleaner?

    The micro power guard is actually an air cleaner, not a filter. It looks like a filter. It has a fiberglass media, however it doesn’t just collect dust on the surface of the media. It actually puts an electrical charge on every one of the fiberglass strands that is in the media and particles stick to it like a magnet picks up metal filings.

    micropowerguard electronic air cleaner

    Unlike traditional HVAC filters, which rely on physical filtration, electronic air cleaners utilize advanced electrostatic precipitation technology to capture particles as small as 0.01 microns.

    At the heart of a micropower guard electronic air cleaner is an electrostatic charging process. As air passes through the unit, airborne particles become charged. These charged particles are then attracted to the media within the air cleaner.

    Essentially dust, dirt and allergens are magnetized to the filter. This electrostatic attraction effectively traps the particles, preventing them from circulating back into the air.

    Additional benefits include: improved indoor air quality, reduced allergens and respiratory irritants, and enhanced HVAC system performance. By removing contaminants from the air, electronic air cleaners contribute to a cleaner, healthier indoor environment for homeowners and their families.

    How Can an Electronic Air Cleaner Help with Seasonal Allergies and Dust?

    Seasonal allergies and household dust can be nuisances, affecting comfort and indoor air quality. Electronic air cleaners offer an effective solution.

    Electronic air cleaners utilize electrostatic precipitation to charge these allergens as they pass through the unit. The charged particles are then attracted to the filter media, completely removing them from the air stream.

    By capturing these allergy-triggering particles, electronic air cleaners help reduce the concentration of airborne allergens in the home, providing relief for allergy sufferers.

    Additionally, electronic air cleaners play a vital role in controlling household dust. Dust particles, composed of various materials including skin cells, textile fibers, and soil, can accumulate on surfaces. By capturing dust particles before they settle, electronic air cleaners help minimize dust buildup in the home, reducing the need for frequent cleaning and promoting cleaner indoor air.

    MicroPower Guard Electronic Air Cleaner Vs. Traditional HVAC Filters: What’s the difference?

    In the realm of home HVAC filtration, there are two primary contenders: traditional HVAC filters and the MicroPower Guard Electronic Air Cleaner. While both serve the common goal of enhancing indoor air quality, they operate very differently.

    Traditional HVAC filters, often composed of paper or fiberglass, function by physically trapping airborne particles as air circulates through the system. While adequate for capturing larger particles like dust and debris, they have limitations in effectively capturing smaller, more harmful contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, and smoke particles. This is because the higher amount of filtration will equal less airflow through the filter.

    In contrast, the MicroPower Guard Electronic Air Cleaner employs advanced electrostatic technology. As air passes through the unit, airborne particles are electrically charged, causing them to be attracted to media within the cleaner. This electrostatic attraction enables the electronic air cleaner to capture particles as small as 0.01 microns. Traditional filters can’t come close to this amount of filtration. It also allows free airflow without restriction for your furnace blower allowing your HVAC system to operate efficiently.

    In summary, while traditional HVAC filters provide a basic level of air filtration, the MicroPower Guard Electronic Air Cleaner represents a significant improvement. They offer homeowners in Johnson County, Kansas, a wonderful solution for maintaining cleaner, healthier indoor air.

    Interested in a MicroPower Guard Filter for your home? Click here to schedule a free estimate.

    HVAC Not Working in Early Spring? A Guide for Kansas City Residents

    As the chill of winter begins to thaw and the promise of warmer days looms on the horizon, we Kansas Citians are gearing up for the transition from heating to cooling. However, the change in seasons can sometimes reveal issues with HVAC systems that lay dormant during the colder months.

    If your furnace or air conditioner is not working properly, here are some common problems that residents in our area may face in early spring. We’ll also provide tips on how to fix them!

    Clogged Air Filters:

    blocked air filter causing air conditioner problem in overland park, ks

    The most problem we see is clogged air filters. Over the winter months, dust, dirt, and other debris accumulates in the filters. This reduces airflow and makes the system work harder to heat or cool the home.

    Solution: Regularly check and replace your air filter to ensure optimal airflow and energy efficiency.

    Thermostat Malfunctions:

    Fluctuating temperatures in early spring can sometimes cause thermostat malfunctions, leading to inconsistent heating or cooling in the home.

    Easy Fixes for Thermostat Problems:

    1. Check Power Source: Begin troubleshooting by ensuring that the thermostat has power. If it’s battery-operated, replace the batteries with fresh ones. For hardwired thermostats, check the circuit breaker to ensure there’s power to the HVAC system.
    2. Clean and Calibrate: Dust and debris accumulation can affect the accuracy of temperature readings. Use a soft brush or compressed air to clean the thermostat’s interior components gently. Additionally, some thermostats may need recalibration to ensure accurate temperature readings.
    3. Verify Settings: Double-check the thermostat settings to ensure they are correctly configured for heating or cooling mode, depending on the weather. Also, check the fan settings to ensure they are set to the desired mode (auto or on).
    4. Check for Obstructions: Ensure that the thermostat is not obstructed by any objects that could interfere with its temperature readings, such as curtains, furniture, or electronic devices.

    When to Call a Professional: While some thermostat issues can be resolved with simple troubleshooting steps, usually you’ll want a professional to handle your thermostat problem. Consider calling a HVAC technician if:

    1. The thermostat continues to display incorrect temperature readings or fails to respond after troubleshooting steps have been attempted.
    2. There are signs of wiring issues, such as exposed wires, loose connections, or burnt components.
    3. The HVAC system fails to turn on or maintain the desired temperature despite proper thermostat settings and troubleshooting efforts.
    4. The thermostat is outdated or malfunctioning and requires replacement or upgrades.

    Refrigerant Leaks:

    Refrigerant plays a crucial role in the cooling process of your HVAC system. It absorbs heat from the indoor air and transfers it outside. However, refrigerant leaks disrupt this process, and lead to diminished cooling. Below are some symptoms of refrigerant leaks and how to address them effectively.

    Symptoms of Refrigerant Leaks:

    1. Reduced Cooling: One of the primary indicators of a refrigerant leak is a noticeable decrease in the cooling performance of your HVAC system. If your air conditioner struggles to maintain the desired temperature despite regular operation, it could be due to insufficient refrigerant levels caused by a leak.
    2. Warm Air Blowing from Vents: When refrigerant levels are low due to a leak, the air blowing from your vents may feel warmer than usual. This occurs because the refrigerant is unable to absorb and transfer heat effectively, resulting in compromised cooling efficiency.
    3. Ice Buildup on Refrigerant Lines: Another visible sign of a refrigerant leak is the formation of ice or frost on the refrigerant lines or evaporator coil of your air conditioner. Low refrigerant levels can cause the remaining refrigerant to expand rapidly, leading to condensation and freezing of moisture on the components.
    4. Hissing or Bubbling Sounds: In some cases, you may hear hissing or bubbling sounds coming from your HVAC system, particularly near the indoor or outdoor unit. These noises can indicate the presence of a refrigerant leak, as the escaping gas creates pressure changes within the system.
    5. Elevated Energy Bills: A refrigerant leak can force your HVAC system to work harder to achieve the desired level of cooling, resulting in increased energy consumption and higher utility bills. If you notice a sudden spike in your energy costs without a corresponding increase in usage, it could be due to a refrigerant leak.

    Steps to Address Refrigerant Leaks:

    Schedule a Professional Inspection: If you suspect a refrigerant leak based on the symptoms mentioned above, it’s crucial to contact a qualified HVAC technician to conduct a thorough inspection of your system. HVAC Technicians with One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning use specialized tools and techniques to detect the location and severity of the leak.

    Refrigerant leaks in your HVAC system can compromise its efficiency and lead to costly repairs if left unaddressed.

    If you suspect a refrigerant leak, contact a professional HVAC technician to inspect and repair the issue. Attempting to handle refrigerant without proper training and equipment can be dangerous and may result in further damage to the system.

    Outdoor Unit Blockages:

    After months of inactivity, the outdoor unit of an HVAC system may become blocked by debris such as leaves, branches, or dirt. This can restrict airflow and hinder the system’s ability to operate efficiently.

    Solution: Clear any debris from the outdoor unit and ensure that it has adequate space for proper airflow. Trim vegetation around the unit to prevent future blockages and maintain optimal performance.

    Ductwork Leaks:

    Leaks or gaps in the ductwork can lead to wasted energy and reduced indoor comfort as conditioned air escapes into unconditioned spaces such as attics or crawlspaces.

    Leaks in ductwork can occur due to various factors, including poor installation, aging ducts, or damage from pests or environmental factors. These leaks allow conditioned air to escape into unconditioned spaces, such as attics or crawl spaces, resulting in energy waste and decreased system efficiency. Additionally, leaks can introduce contaminants, such as dust, allergens, and pollutants, into the indoor air, compromising air quality and exacerbating respiratory issues.

    The Aeroseal Solution:

    duct sealing by one hour heating and air conditioning using aeroseal

    Aeroseal duct sealing (a service by One Hour Heating and Air Conditioning) offers a unique and highly effective approach to addressing leaking ductwork. Unlike traditional methods that rely on manual sealing techniques, Aeroseal utilizes a patented aerosol-based sealing process to target and seal leaks from the inside out. Here’s how it works:

    1. Pre-Seal Assessment: A certified Aeroseal technician begins by conducting a thorough assessment of your ductwork system using advanced diagnostic tools. This assessment helps identify the location and extent of leaks within the ducts.
    2. Sealing Process: Once the assessment is complete, the technician prepares the ductwork system for sealing by blocking off vents and registers. They then inject Aeroseal sealant particles into the ducts, which are carried by airflow to the site of leaks.
    3. Targeted Sealing: The Aeroseal particles accumulate at the edges of leaks, where they bond together and form a durable seal. This process continues until the majority of leaks are effectively sealed, with minimal wastage of sealant.
    4. Verification: After sealing is complete, the technician conducts post-seal diagnostics to verify the effectiveness of the process. This may include airflow testing and measuring pressure differentials to ensure that leaks have been adequately addressed.

    Benefits of Duct Sealing:

    1. Improved Energy Efficiency: By sealing leaks in the ductwork, Aeroseal helps prevent conditioned air from escaping, reducing energy waste and lowering utility bills.
    2. Enhanced Comfort: Sealed ductwork ensures more consistent airflow throughout your home, eliminating hot or cold spots and providing greater comfort year-round.
    3. Better Indoor Air Quality: Aeroseal helps prevent the infiltration of pollutants and allergens into the ductwork, improving indoor air quality and promoting a healthier living environment.
    4. Long-lasting Results: The durable seal created by Aeroseal is designed to last for years, providing lasting benefits without the need for frequent maintenance or resealing.

    Leaking ductwork can significantly impact the performance and efficiency of your HVAC system, leading to wasted energy and compromised comfort. duct sealing offers a cutting-edge solution to this problem, effectively sealing leaks and optimizing the performance of your ductwork system. By investing in Aeroseal duct sealing, homeowners can enjoy improved energy efficiency, enhanced comfort, and better indoor air quality for years to come.

    As spring arrives in Kansas City, it’s essential for homeowners to be proactive in addressing common HVAC problems that may arise during the transition from winter to warmer weather. By staying vigilant, performing regular maintenance, and seeking professional help when needed, residents can ensure that their HVAC systems operate efficiently and reliably throughout the changing seasons.

    Can UV Light Kill Virus? HVAC UV Light Worth It?

    Many people are understandably concerned about viruses. In this video we answer the question: Can a residential UV light kill a virus?

    We have installed UV lights for years, but there is more interest at the moment so in this video we answer frequently asked questions about residential uv lights and if they can kill viruses, bacteria, can a uv light help when you have an illness, and if our clients feel like they are worth it.

    Preparing Your Outside AC Unit For Winter

    This video covers why preparing your outside air conditioner for the winter elements can be a great idea. However, there are certain mistakes you want to avoid when winterizing your outside air conditioner for winter. If you cover your air conditioner, you want to make sure you first have an air conditioner, not a heat pump. It is also a great idea to only cover the top of the unit instead of wrapping the entire air conditioner. Also a good coat of wax on the outside unit is a wonderful way to protect it from the elements.

    We recommend this cover for your air conditioner during the winter:

    (As an Amazon Affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases.)

    Furnace Filter Slot Cover: Easy Fix to HVAC Air Leak

    We’re All About Sealing Up Ductwork

    In the video above we explain a very easy simple tip to seal the space around your furnace filter slot.

    We want to deliver the airflow where it’s supposed to go and the furnace filter slot is a weak spot in every system that allows air to escape the filter and go directly to your furnace blower.

    Why Is It A Problem That Some Air Escapes The Filter And Goes Directly To The Furnace Blower?

    When air is not filtered, it allows all the dust, dirt, and allergens to go directly into your furnace blower and into your house.  This will make your furnace dirty and less efficient.  Your house will seem to have more dust, and dirt in your furnace creates many problems and will cause parts to wear faster and break more often.

    Even More Important If Your Furnace Is Located In An Attic, Crawl Space, Woodshop, etc.

    If your furnace is located in a dirty (woodshop, etc) or unconditioned space, the space around your furnace filter lets the air in that space escape the filter entirely and go directly to the furnace blower.  Your furnace will be pulling humid, dirty air directly into the blower compartment.  That is not a good thing at all. That’s why we recommend closing the space around your filter with something like the FilterLock by Allergy Zone.

    We recommend the FilterLock Furnace Filter Slot Seal Door Cover to solve this pesky problem. See below for our affiliate link to the FilterLock Furnace Filter Slot Seal Door Cover.

    It improves indoor air quality by blocking allergens, dust, and gases like carbon monoxide from entering your home.

    (As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases.)

    What is a SEER Rating? [How to calculate your SEER rating and how to use your SEER Rating]

    Your air conditioner SEER rating stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating. In this video we not only explain how the rating is determined, but also how you can use the SEER Rating to determine how much electricity your air conditioner uses and how much money your air conditioner costs you each summer. You can also use this calculation in reverse to determine your air conditioners REAL operational SEER Rating. Get ready to do some math!

    Use Your SEER Rating to Calculate Your Electricity Costs

    1. Capacity (Tons x 12,000 BTUs) divided by SEER rating = Watts

    2. Watts divided by 1,000 = KW

    3. Kilowatts x Hours of Use = Total kw hours

    4. Total kw hours x electricty cost kw hour ($0.12-$0.15) = Total $$$ to run A/C for the Summer

    Electronic Air Filter Replacement With Micro Power Guard (Plus How Electronic Filter Works)

    In this video Ramon shows us how to properly replace the media filter in his MicroPower Guard Electronic Air Cleaner. The MicroPower Guard an air filtration system designed to trap microscopic contaminants that traditional filters can’t catch.

    The MicroPower Guard Air Cleaner uses an electric charge to polarize and trap harmful particles while simultaneously cleaning the air in your home.

    It is important to change the filter correctly in your electronic air cleaner. If you leave the power on to your furnace while you change the filter, it could damage your system.

    Air Conditioner Freon Leak Symptoms (Why is Freon Expensive?)

    In this video we share the symptoms of a freon leak in your air conditioner and how to know if your air conditioner is low on freon or out completely! We also share why freon is so expensive and how you can prevent a freon leak at your house.

    Freon is a brand name for the refrigerants R-12, R-13B1, R-22, R-410A, R-502, and R-503 manufactured by The Chemours Company. The term “freon” is a common descriptor or proprietary eponym (similar to a generic trademark) like “xerox” or “kleenex.” It is commonly used when referring to any fluorocarbon refrigerants.

    Air Conditioner Not Cooling Enough?

    Has this ever happened to you? Your air conditioner is running, but it is just not quite keeping the house at the temperature you want it to be. It always is working hard and not cooling the house enough. We get this question in many different forms and the answer as to why can vary.

    Air Conditioner Not Cooling Enough?

    Is there something you can do about your air conditioner not cooling enough or are you stuck with certain areas of your house never getting below 85 degrees in the summer time? When it comes to your air conditioner, just about every symptom could have several different possible solutions. There’s always multiple explanations as to what could possibly be going on. For that reason before we get started fixing the problem, we need to cover our bases and get to the bottom of what is really causing the problem if your air conditioner is not cooling enough. The first thing you should do is to take an inventory of what is happening.

    Take An Inventory Of What Is Going On With Your Air Conditioner

    When you think you have a problem with your air conditioner the first thing to do is nothing. That’s right. Don’t touch anything. Just leave it alone and take an inventory of what is happening. Go to the thermostat. Is it set on cooling? What temperature is it set at versus what is the room temperature?

    If you know the air conditioner is set to cool, and you can see that it is not getting to the set temperature, you know you have a problem. What’s working and not working? Is the furnace blowing air inside? If you go over to a register and put your hand in front of it is it blowing air? Now to the unit outside. Is it blowing air? There’s a little fan on the top or side of your air conditioner. Is that fan blowing or not blowing. If it is blowing air what is the temperature of that air? Hot or cold? If you know those things we can really help figure out what’s going on.

    What Is The Temperature Of The Air Coming From The Outdoor Fan?

    What difference does it make what the temperature is of the air coming off the outdoor unit fan? When you put your hand over the outdoor fan, the air coming from it is usually hot. What your are feeling is the heat that was inside now being pushed to the outside. So, if you feel air coming for the outdoor fan and it feels cool instead of warm, that means the hot air is not being taken out of the inside of your house. Under normal circumstances the hot air from inside is rejected outside.

    What Is The Solution To Your Air Conditioner Not Cooling Enough?

    So let’s say everything appears to be working but just not quite cooling enough. Usually around 80% of the time it needs maintenance. A dirty coil for example, can cause your air conditioner to not be efficient and to not cool as much as when it is clean. Dirty filters will also cause your air conditioner’s performance to suffer and can cause a multitude of problems relating to efficiency. When the air is not allowed to circulate properly, your air conditioner will feel like it is not keeping up to the desired temperature especially in the heat of the summer. The good news is that if your air conditioner is not cooling enough, a simple maintenance visit will more than likely fix the issue. However, we strongly recommend a trained professional to do the maintenance on your air conditioner. A maintenance visit and the complete cleaning of a cooling system involves high voltage electricity and refrigerants at high pressure. There are also many smaller components that can be damaged in the process of cleaning your air conditioner if you do not know how to do it properly. So, if your air conditioner is not cooling enough, don’t fear the worst. It is probably something very simple that can be fixed during an air conditioner tune up or maintenance visit. It is a good idea to get your air conditioner checked out if it is not cooling enough because it is currently using much more electricity that it needs. So it’s already costing you more money than it should, plus you’re not comfortable. Maintenance will help that a lot by cleaning up all of the components.

    Check Your Air Conditioner Early In The Season Especially If You Think It May Have A Problem

    In addition to getting an air conditioner maintenance and tune up to address the problem of your air conditioner not cooling enough, we recommend you do some in-house things to keep the cool air in your house. Take an inventory of your house to make sure you are not blocking registers or releasing the conditioned air. One common issue we see every summer is a customer complaining about the duct work sweating near the basement. Water dripping from the duct work isn’t normal and the issue is usually resolved by finding a basement window that got left open and closing it. If a basement window is left open during the spring, it lets in an endless amount of humidity in your basement. This causes condensation to collect on everything that is cool and will cause things like the duct work to “sweat” and cause water issues in your basement.

    Double Check Those Storm Windows

    Another thing you can do on your own to make sure your air conditioner can keep the desired temperature is to make sure your storm windows are closed. If your storm windows are left open during the heat of the summer you go from what could be the equivalent of a double or triple pane glass to a single pane window. You don’t notice these things when it is 72 degrees outside, but you do when it is 100 degrees outside which can cause your air conditioner to not cool enough.  

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